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 tips on how to avoid being cyber bullied

For People Being Bullied.....

1. Ignore and block your bully from all of your platforms.

-The first step is to igore/delete anything that you can from your bully. Most social media site have a way to flag posts, and to block followers/friends. Use Them!!


2. Stay with a group of friends, family or relatives that you know and trust.

-This way you can avoid unknown, possible rude people or the bullies.

3. Avoid contact with any bullies.

-If you see a person from school or the online world, avoid them. Don't say anything to them or post anything about them.

4. Do not spread gossip about them.

- Spreading gossip equals big trouble. If you do something  to them, chances are they'll try to get back at you.

5. Don't get into a fight

- If they send a message to you or post something on your talk page or whatever, don't answer. Ignore them and don't try to step up. 

6. Tell an adult if you are being bullied. 

- If you are underage, you need to make sure your parents or guardian knows about the problem and can help keep you safe.

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